overcoming adversity and cultivating a positive mindset in challenging times !

March 2017

Heart might break but it breaks open to let more and better LOVE inside! And for U to know U are not being LOVED means U have LOVE inside ! It is easier for one that does not feel a thing mess with someone who feels a lot !

LOVE is a beautiful thing ! Don't give up on it coz it is the essence of life ! Am crazy about LOVE and I know someday am going to get the LOVE I long for and the kind that I deserve ! LuvLuv!


Everyday, we struggle to survive in the jungle called LIFE! Every passing moment we strive to live and not just exist! At all times, we wonder what  our future holds!  Often times we get lost in our thoughts on how to attract the favorable aspect of life!

Many pray to become an exception to an already known rule! lots of us long for that one percent chance of survival! we all wish for that  one in a million miracle , you know having something that defies all logic become our portion . But one thing about reaching our BLISS POINT: that is a point where every wishes is realised, every fear becomes an illusion and every of our need is met!  is that nobody without plan and action ever gets there ! It recognizes and rewards ONLY  hardwork and irrespective of how long we have prayed and waited without the right plan and execution of  action, nothing positive happens ! Successful people don't wait for miracles, They become their own miracle!

There is so much uncertainty when we wait around for things to happen but there are whole lots of certainty when we have all it takes to make it happen! Remember the only future that is guaranteed is the one we create ourselves! We clear all poverty owned debts upfront by working on our future now and making miracles happen today!LUVLUV!

There are things we don't know and there are others we don't even know that we don't know! So always keep an open mind and learn all we could every chance we get. As u know ignorance is not an excuse! Be curious about everything  Coz that's how we learn the facts and arrive to the right answer or solution! LuvLuv!

There are lots or women in my life ! Women of strength and  honour and no matter what they faced in life , they never allow the darkness of frustration over takes them! MY MOTHER AKA MADAM WHITE IS ONE OF A KIND ! TODAY I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW THE WOMAN BEHIND IT ALL! I love u to the moon and back! LUVLUV!

Whatz the worst that will happen when an outcome fell through ! We try again! The worst that happens when we fail to try ! We fail for life ! Weather losses or gains , everything deserves our best shot

Let the desire to succeed be stronger than the danger associated with the task ahead  coz that's how we develop thick skin needed for our victories! Don't ever surrender to the glory of failure ! Try again ! Again and again! The game is not over until we win! And when playing with failure delaying gratification is always a great tactics to be able to get to the score line and finally get the goal post busted

We are incredibly capable! No matter what life throws at us, try to SURVIVE! By all means never let go of that believe! Their will always be moments of horror where everything appears to be without hope! The point is things might appear to WORSE but that doesn't mean we can't handle it!  The task in life is to try as much as possible to constantly figure a way out of wilderness of LIFE.

We are the reason why! Our lives matters! Things are going to change ! Never stop until they do! Don't allow your dream fall under our fears sword! Don't let what you are meant to become be extinguished by FEAR ! Bleed that doubt to death by overcoming every challenge! Be bold enough to face the future and fight every battle life throws with bravery! We can achieve anything just BELIEVE.LuvLuv! 

Smart people are special! Even when their presence is not announced they are easily spotted in group! U know why?this is because they have this aura that sets them apart from the crowd! 


People with these special abilities are often seen as proud because of their awareness of their gift, sense of direction,sincerity,confidence, success records and well mapped plans to surpass PAST achievements! 


Be anything else but normal! There is nothing fascinating about living rordinary life. Being smart might get us more enemies than friends ! Don't trade it for anything else anyways! Coz we have no business being with people that envy our accomplishments or not comfortable with who we are !


The thing is each and everyone of us is designed uniquely! We have the ability to make the best I'm every of our endeavours! Yes! We are all special in our own God given way all that is required is the awareness of our capabilities and the discipline to quit telling the story of others and start living our own!LuvLuv!


I have always preached LOVE ! Not because am obsessed with the word but because I know the world will be a better place with its influence! The contents of the video is highly inhumane and unacceptable. We should teach everyone how to respect everybody's view even when it contradicts your own beliefs! Violence! Terrorism and HATE is never the solution ! It accomplishes NOTHING but destroys every peace and love we have got!

Don't be like those bosses that once they can't get hold of your pants, fires your ass! 


Detest from the habit of handing-out promotions or recommendations based on personal cum sexual benefits. 


We should seriously Leverage on our talent instead of our pants as employees coz even with our sexual prowess, our ass can still be fired once the boss gets tired .

Refuse to be like the employees whose ass is much bigger than their brains! Learn everything about the job, go all-out in becoming the  best coz once you are at the top of your game as an employee, you become one-inch closer to counting your own hours and hence we grow to be  indestructible  giving the fact that we can survive with or without the job and at this juncture, it becomes a lose-lose for the job that loses us! 


The business of a company depends on how informed and efficient the people running it are and if as a head, your priorities are not straight , humm ! The business suffers in the long run! Coz there will be more of "employasses" than  actual "employees" and the bottom-line remains on the ground as a result! Just saying! Luv Luv! 


Smart people are often seen as weird, different! Strange! Unpredictable! Aloof or Unreadable! It's not their fault! It is said that high intelligent quotient individuals often  have low emotional quotient! They don't get along with just anybody but they cope with everyone.

Smart  ones understand that the less people know about you the more they wonder your next move . They   live a life full of suspense and hence  reveal less about themselves ,situations or individuals! They are mostly introverted ! Hence associate less with others . Most times they found themseilves imprison by their own thoughts and dreams! They get so busy about themselves that they careless about what others  say behind their back! Coz they have longed realized that  once people can't beat you! they beef you!

Be like the smart! And let only what concerns  you occupy your thoughts and fuel your actions! Coz we can't be in two places at same time its either we are working our dreams or discussing about others working theirs ! LuvLuv!


Reliving a past and letting  negativity to constantly control our mind, is like throwing gasoline on a potential fire! Soon we are going to experience the explosion! "KABOOM" We get destroyed along side with other unfortunate casualties!

We are rock stars on the verge of greatness don't ever stop believing that . And Our priority shouldn't be to get the first position in life but to be the best version of who we were yesterday! U know to continuously updating the app of LIFE .That way we wouldn't be in competition with anything or anyone other than ourselves.

Don't ever  bow down to fear!  push the boundaries to cross to the other side. Coz fear nothing other than  a false HOPE And a path with which we pass thorough to reach our channel of GLORY!LuvLuv!


The word POLITICS is often views as GAME OF DECEPTION! Coz most people occupying these  public offices make an IMPRESSION instead of upholding INTEGRITY! We live in a world where what people say and do are different and what people think they represent are entirely a misconception


 Impression is the shadow of who we are and what we represent and the shadow disappears once a strong enough light shines on it. But INTEGRITY on the other hand remains the real deal coz  the more light we shine in its direction the more of its true nature it reveals!


Nothing changes colour like chameleon as IMPRESSION! It gives false revelation just to conceal real intention! INTEGRITY is rear! but gives us more at the end of the day coz it makes us to be dependable, reliable and presentable! Now comes the million dollar question!THE PERSON WE ARE PERCEIVED TO BE AND WHAT WE TRULY ARE THE SAME ?LuvLuv


When it comes to pain , if we don't  mind , it won't matter ! That's why some times when we are not aware of an injury, we hardly feel pain until the wound is sighted . But one bad thing about being unaware of an open wound is it might be septic  hence causing more harm when our attention is finally called to it. Remember the saying a stitch in  time saves nine.

Pain is not an absence of fun, it's a reminder that the world is not always rosy. Being aware of a problem drives the solution near.LuvLuv!

ln every stage and every step, make sure we are always pushing ourselves! Coz  success is combination of series of conscious positive efforts directed towards a common goal. Success is not gotten over night neither is it  the result of a one night stand push. Irrespective of how things turn out, we have to keep trying and improving ourselves every step of the way.

We are the architect of our lives  and  the  hero of our own story. And  the first step towards solving anything at all is accepting responsibility for our underachievements or  wrong choices. Some believe that the reason they are stock with failure lies in the hands  of  another . They usually lay the blame on "their aged step mother , an uncle , grandparents or  acesteral curse . But u know it is said that  when we don't know who the enemy is, we start from people that looks like one  .

One thing I have come to realize is  we create our future with series of repeated actions . No one else is responsible how things turns out  but US


Mr or Miss AB's Life style = Income  + gambling +alcoholism + prostitution + feeding  - savings - investments will always  = DEFICIT ( Tell me ! who is the witch hunt now.)

Just know that when it comes to creating a great  future, nothing is set on stone and if things aren't going right, the only thing left to do is not to point accusing fingers BUT to take the blame and retrace our steps and redirect it to the right direction. It's never too late until we refuses to give life another positive shot ! No one is a failure and our morning begins anytime we decide to wake up. The thing is everybody can and will become successful once we believe we have got all it takes and start now to work positively on our goal. LuvLuv!


Most  people will think we are not qualified enough for greatness! That is because many actually look but don't really see! And it's hard for people to identify in others what they lack. Know this ,no one has the power to define or label us! We are the masterpiece of our own story. We have the power to convincingly place ourselves anywhere we want to be or erase ourselves as if we were never there at all.

BELIEVE U CAN to become unstoppable! Just as a LION can  never give birth to anything WEAK,  Like wise GOD! We are created by the most MIGHTY AND POWERFUL BEING. Hence no one unmarks his chosen! There is no power under this earth strong enough to bring down what he has risen! Trust in his infinite power and mercy to become invincible.

We are created by GOD'S command and same power has been given to us to bring into manifestation our DESIRES! Because we are created in his our image, every earthly things are under our subjection! Hence ASK » BELIEVE in other to  RECEIVE! It's simple. And be mindful of what occupies our mind coz a sustained thought becomes things!  U know Our thoughts are like magnates attracting things of same frequency! Hence don't ever let negativity to always cloud our minds coz  it summons misfortunes as a result . LuvLuv!

Fear is one of the weapons the enemy uses to  compromise dreams!
Fear  creates situation that shows things differently than they are !
The more the fear , the FURTHER we distance ourselves from accomplishing anything great.

The only thing fear motivates is failure and once we understand that we do all it takes to conquer it!LuvLuv!



Each and every one of us have  cards to play in life , make sure to play yours right! Coz playing the wrong card at the right game makes no difference! Only the right card played right wins always!

Never allow our dreams taken away from us by FEAR! Coz Fear is the greatest manipulator and  if  any of our  weaknesses is exposed to it, be  sure it will be used against us ! Fear when allowed to influence our actions, births nothing but disaster! For instance,  THE FEAR OF UNDERPERFORMANCE MAGNATES GREAT MISFORTUNES!And what we fear not to acommplish , we fail to conquer! where as FEARLESNESS understands our weakness and Constantly figures out ways to transform  it into strength. That's why one of the attributes of a  great WARRIOR is FEARLESSNESS! LuvLuv!



We might not have been choosen to succeed! Everything might have been designed for our failure! But the truth is no one succeeds without participation non fail without their consent . We predetermined an outcome through our input and believe system. And no matter how fierce the storm is , the ship still stands strong until the water finds its way inside of it . Don't let adversity break us before we are able to figure a break out of it ! LuvLuv

It is said that if u want a man to take off his clothes, U Don't blow it off!  Just make him feel warm and he will take it off by himself! Coz that which is taketh by force is forced to pierces! Military rule would have still be in power today if the use of force in obtaining something yields best results.The wise don't make the loudest noise! That's not their nature ! They are the type that kill snakes trapped in water pots without breaking it . Learn to use wisdom in all doings . It brings only  best outcomes.LuvLuv!


In a battle field, No one is free!It's often a dog eat dog situation. We are mandated to  fight in other to survive or get our ass killed!

We are so grateful to have given another chance to participate in another section of life's battles and what ever mistakes we made in the past it's in consequential! Coz  as long as we made it to the next battle, there is every chance to win the WAR this time!  We just need FOCUS! BELIVE ! DETERMINATION AND GRACE.LuvLuv!


The pain and struggles of LIFE is UNIVERSAL not perculiar to anybody! Always remember obstacles are only obstacles until it is moved out of the way by our strongest will.

Do U know why some  challenges are not easily conquered? It is because the harder a CONFLICT, the more glorious the TRIUMPH! And what ever we obtained too cheap, we often ESTEEM too lightly! And always have this at the back of your mind, our struggles will become mark of our glory! We are not cheap and don't expect LIFE to be as well.LuvLuv!


 Step into the UNKNOWN! take risk! Roll the dice! Flip the coin! Defeat the doubts! Try something out already! Coz regrets are far way more painful than failure!

One day u will admire the success in another brought by the dreams u were too scared to pursue! Just so u know: All the people that made it today ! Had to jump to cross to the other side of fear at some point in life to reach their goals .

These are the dream killers: it's risky, for where !don't try it! In this recession don't dare! A neighbour lost in that venture better stay clear !U know in other  to succeed we have to block our ears and follow our gut! Coz everything is possible and once we think it,  And dare to act on it we must surely hold it  in our hands ! No negativity coz it attracts more disaster!LuvLuv


 Every business minded person should always be prepared to LOSE! Coz by preparing for the worst,  gets us ready for BEST and never to be taken unaware!

And with the complications in the business environment, we lose as often as we WIN! Losing is part of the business package coz  Even as we lose, we still have an advantage coz the lessons and  reasons while it didn't work out the other times, always teaches us how to unlearn the act of FAILURE!

THOMAS EDISON conducted one thousand (1000) FAILED experiment BUT the one thousand and one (1001) was the LIGHT BULB! Real DEFEAT is not when the expected outcome seems NEGATIVE! The only way to fail is to stop  believing! losing hope in that course and stop fighting! VICTORY comes when we keep the flag flying even when it seems the other side has invaded our territory and some of our trusted soldiers have been compromised! We keep fighting , NEVER let go! NEVER give up! Coz the disgrace of FAILURE sets in when we SURRENDER!

Even when it seems inevitable and U are about to go down, DON'T surrender to weakness, amplify the strength and sing the songs of victories! I have listened to success stories of GREAT business individuals it has always been a tail of FAITH, BELIEVE! HARD WORK! SINCERITY! HOPE ! FAILURE and TRIUMPH!

Let's Keep it positive! It always gets bad before it gets better!

In the resent concluded U.S election, the LESSON I grapped from it is that : Success is not all about how qualified or accepted we are BUT how CONFIDENT , DETERMINED AND RELENTLESS we are to see a course through its absolute completion against all odds! That  qualifies us for  uncommon  victory that leaves people wondering how we are able to pull at off!

Another thing is despite all the limitations, never ever give up on your dreams! BELIEVE in yourself! Coz we are our  number one fan!   Failure is focusing on the opinion of others to achieve  goals! No one would have our back more than us! And nothing can ever stop a person with a made up mind! Luv Luv!



   Show me who has ever become a  billionaire or have their names on phobe magazine by renting of penis and hiring their vegina to the highest bidder! Dangote never became the richest man in AFRICA by sleeping with sugar mummies or cunning people their hard earned money! Neither do OPERA WILFRED declared the richest woman of her time by offering her body to rich daddies in exchange for wealth! SUCCESS is not sexually transmitted indeed! And no matter how wide U spread your legs, the only sure catch is several kinds of STDs !

    Never forget that every of our action now has direct consequences on our future trust me ! Being a YAHOO BOY (AKA 419) that is someone who cons innocent people of their hard earned money. Being a fraudster can only get us ravishing life style such as reckless spending at night clubs, lose girls at our bed and OUR ASS IN PRISON! Coz as long as the cry of the persons you steal from is out there , YOUR LUCK WILL RUN OUT SOONER OR LATER!

    I don't think I have ever seen any richest prostitute! Have always seen a RETIRED! WEAK AND SICK WOMAN! who thought she could achieve a life using that inbetween her legs! U know the saying the body always get old and weak and the customers want young, hot  and flasy!

    Show me one person that slept with all the older women in his prime and end up richer than DANGOTE!  U know why? the body depreciates with Time and those paying would always demand  for top notch service! Be WISE invest your future in the right things so that  in the end we will all have the course to laugh last !Luv Luv!

Life will always be difficult ! Never expect anything less! Survive its cruelty! Endure it's pain! Embrace with grace the unhappiness caused by the betrayal it brings ! Take it all in ! And just as uncomfortable as the pain of life can be ! The REWARDS it pays as compensation for putting up with its crap is far more than we can imagine! U want the honey of life endure the  bite from it's bees!

Everything great comes with its own sacrifices! Many thinks to make it in life is just by luck and never hardwork! If you are from that school of thought ! U are wrong! Coz even in FREETOWN everything  already has a price tag ! Want to be the youngest billionaire? Steal it U DIE! beg for it you get disappointed and humiliated! Hustle for it U BECOME IT! OUR DECISION! OUR CHOICE ! OUR REALITY!Luv Luv!

There was this certain prisoner captured by the other side in a battle, and the night before his execution, the captain visited his cell and made him an offer to pass through a closed door in front of him or face firing squads the next morning .He looked at the captain and asked" What is on the other side of the door and where does it lead?" The captain said " Honestly I do not know". And the prisoner never had the gut to take the leap of faith coz he has already condemned himself even before his execution and didn't have the power to try something bravery and was killed the next day.

Out of curiosity the special assistant to the captain asked him few minutes after the prisoners death" Sir , what is really behind the door ?" And he answered "FREEDOM" and it leads no where else other than HOME! but he was a coward not to have figured that out! What does it cost him to at least try if in the process  He dies that will just be heroic. He has no business being a soldier in the first place coz soldiers are warriors and they never give up till their last breath.

LESSON: Don't ever give up on something especially when our life depends on it until we have at least given it a shot. Coz opportunity most times comes in a weird way,it's left for us to recognize it for what it is and take advantage of every bit of it.

Opportunity is actually the messenger of faith. It  actually shows how far we can push our UNBELIEF UNTIL IT BELIEVES! Or TURN THAT HOPELESS SITUATION INTO HOPEFUL ADVENTURE!  It's tasks always points  towards uncovering the unknown enthusiastically and with a positive mindset that the expected outcome will weigh far more than the struggles that accompanies it. LIKE I always say! OPPORTUNITY SHOWS NOT THE OUTCOME BUT THE DOOR! Attempt opening those doors today or live all your life wondering WHAT IF!LuvLuv!



History always sides with the WINNER. we are regarded as winners when we influence the world with the investment of our personality and also when others aspires to our inspiration.

Hence, always ensure that your pursuit be recorded in the favourable side of history. And in other to achieve that, we should endevour to do the right things at all times and with the right set of persons/people.LUVLUV.


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